Friday, May 25, 2012

Unhook Your Astral Cords/Death Watch

Friday. Week's just about behind us. I have good plans and I hope you do too. One very sad middle daughter Elizabeth is on a death watch. Her best friend's mother who is younger than me is in the final days of her life, battling cancer. Elizabeth was headed out of town but turned around when she got word that one of the woman's major organs just failed. I'm proud of Elizabeth - she is holding it together. This woman is like a 2nd mother to her - she has been an adjunct part of their family for years. Elizabeth knows her role at this time is to be a solid friend, useful in any way she can be, keep her own grief secondary. My daughter is an emotional person but, like cream, she rises to occasions and always does the right thing. Too much death in her life lately. Just a few months ago, a very close friend killed himself. This comes on the heels of another friend and coworker jumping from a balcony a few years ago. Most recently her friend took his own life after barely escaping with his life - a slip and fall accident as he walked alongside a creek on a wintry day. He lay unconscious, waist deep in water/ice for the better part of a day. When found, he had to be cut from the ice that had developed around him. Somehow he survived with what was thought to be minimum damage - turns out there was brain damage that either directly led to suicidal thoughts or maybe it was a side effect of the medications he was given. Anyway, like I said, too much tragedy these days in Elizabeth's life. She walks on eggshells, worrying about the people who are left whom she loves.

Tonight I will sing at Maggiano's piano bar in the city with friend Pam who is just back from a long vacation in Florida. She and I always have so much fun largely because she is a person who fully inhabits the moment. Tonight she is sure to hush me if I'm not focusing on one of the singers, no matter how bad. She gives everything and everyone their due and always finds something insightful and positive to say about every effort. Her life is tough but you'd never know it from her sunny personality. Tonight I'll sing a new song, Smile. Gonna stop singing sad songs for a while.

Tomorrow, my accountant Robin's son's post wedding party, then free tickets to The Mayne Stage, going with Liza and James. Sunday, traditional to plant with the threat of frost past and Monday I'll open my home to whoever wants to come for home cooking. Somewhere in there, probably Sunday evening, there is something private and special I have planned - something important - a ceremony. First heard of this ceremony from friend Terry. Since then I've researched it more and while it may seem mystical and far fetched, I'm going to suspend belief and surrender to the ritual - Astral Cord Removal. Here are a few snippets describing it:

Astral Cord connections occur anytime two people, whether consciously or unconsciously, give permission to one another to energetically connect. Sometimes the connections are strong and remain in place for years, forming a bond much like a giant, deep tree root connecting into the ground. Other times, the connection happens lightly, in passing and easily disconnects like a thread flying loose. Other times the cord and connection develops strongly and then wanes, following the pattern of the relationship. Though the relationship may be over, the cord might remain connected, but listless and lifeless, like a dead grass frond in winter. Astral Cords most definitely form within intimate relationships. 
 If you want to “un-cord,” here are some simple steps to follow (with highest intent):
  1. Create a meditative, calm state and call on your Highest Level Spirit Guides, Angels, and/or Entities for help. 
  2. Once you’ve created your space, ask to see your Astral Cords, or more specifically, ask to see the Astral Cords connected to you in relation to a specific person. Wait and watch for those cords to light up for you. You’ll either physically see them, you’ll see them as an impression of clairvoyance in your third eye, you’ll feel them, or you’ll experience them as a combination of these. Don’t be surprised if other guidance systems come in to help you out that are not mentioned here. (The more you practice this, the more adept you will become in seeing and/or feeling Astral Cords.)
  3. If you want to remove a cord, with conscious intent, firmly unhook the cord with your right hand (releasing hand) and send the cord out of your energy field (I like to use a throwing motion). As you do this, ask your Highest Level Beings to help you remove the cord and send it and hook it back to the person it belongs too. You do not want to cause energy bleeding in the other person from an unhooked cord. Tell the beings helping you that you do not want the connection to return. Also, create an energy shield from further connections.
  4. DO NOT rip, cut or tear out Astral Cords. This creates holes in your energy field, causing energy leaks. It also causes energy leaks in the cords still connected to the other individual.
  5. Lastly, ask the Highest Level Beings helping you to fill any and all energy holes with liquid light gold to seal and heal your energy.
  6. Give thanks.

This is obviously about Patrick. I need to romantically be free and clear of him. He needs it as much as I do - for him, I am unfinished business as well. And it's not that we have to walk away completely - I still envision/hope for us to be useful friends to each other, linked in a healthy way for the rest of our lives if it's possible. It's the yearning, longing, creaturely needs that have to be terminated - the cleaving I described before, the complete separation of our two hearts that once beat as one - that's what has to be completed. OK, truth is, I'm a skeptic when it comes to stuff I can't see. It's intriguing to visualize golden cords of light hooking Patrick's and my chakras to each other, but truth be told I'm not even sure I believe in chakras.  And yet, bad ideas don't pass the test of time, and the concept of chakras has been around for thousands of years, traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism - so maybe there is something worth exploring, being open minded about. Worse case, it's a useless ritual without scientific basis and nothing much comes from it - my mind is not freed. I'm thinking though that, regardless of the efficacy, regardless of the fact or lack of hard science, even if there is just a placebo effect, it will still be useful to me to finally kiss him to the wind as I've needed to do for a long time now. There is someone else now that puts a song in his heart and a spring in his step - someone else who he thinks about first thing upon rising and last thing before he beds down for the night - someone else who makes him happy. My presence is that of a ghost, hovering and fretting, wishing I were flesh and blood in his arms. 'Twill not do. I need to inhabit my own flesh and blood life. No more ghostly astral cords between us.

The challenge today is thinking about this concept. What if there is something to it - that you've got dangling cords hanging all over you that are sapping your life force? One site equates us to energetic porcupines -"astral cords protruding from us through a lifetime of un-cleared connections." Each of those cords has to be unhooked and the wound sealed for us to move forward in health. Energetic healing.  Remember, don't be cocky - what you know and believe is not gospel - it's simply the product of what you've learned. Maybe your knowledge base is still nascent or incomplete - we once thought the Earth was the center of the universe. If you lived then, you would be certain of that truth and scoff at any theory to the contrary. Food for thought, yes?


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